Battlefield Fallujah Warriors: Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Vuckovitch, USMC
Operations Officer, Regimental Combat Team 7 (RCT-7)
Episode 4, 5, 6, 7
Interviewer: Chief Warrant Officer William Hutson
Camp Baharia, Iraq - November 19, 2004
Courtesy of the Department of Defense and the U.S. Marine Corps History Division
My MOS [military occupational specialty], I’m a tanker officer. Billets held in the FMF include: platoon commander, company executive officer [XO], company commander twice; then of course, regimental operations officer for RCT 7. Support billets I’ve held include: officer selection officer [OSO], inspector instructor duty, battalion scout platoons, and Marine Corp Recruit Depot [MCRD], Parris Island. I held about four billets there. Education includes AWS [Amphibious Warfare School] and the M1A1 Tank Commander’s Proficiency Course. Source of commission was the Officer Candidate’s Course [OCC], commissioning date was April 1987.