Battlefield Fallujah Warriors: Major Mark Winn, USMC
Battalion Executive Officer, 1st Battalion, 8th Marines
Episode 6, 7
Interviewer: Chief Warrant Officer William Hutson
Mayor's Complex, Fallujah, Iraq - November 18, 2004
Courtesy of the Department of Defense and the U.S. Marine Corps History Division
Major Winn was Commander of Task Force West in Haditha, Iraq from June to September 2004. He was Battalion XO for 1st Battalion, 8th Marines from October 2003 through July 2005. Winn was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in 2005.
From September 2005 through February 2006, Winn was Plans Officer, Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations, 2nd Marine Division. He was Team Leader, Region 2 Headquarters Border Transition Team in Tikrit, Iraq from April 2006 to April 2007. As Plans Officer for the Marine Corps from September 2007 to April 2009, he led the USMC long range strategic planning for the Global War on Terror.
From April 2009 to May 2010, he was Deputy Director, Afghan National Security Force Development Branch, and served concurrently as the Director, Afghan Border Police Development for Southern Afghanistan. From September 2010 to September 2011, Winn served as US-Pakistan Defense Policy Advisor for the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff.
From September 2011 to June 2014, he served as Maritime Engagement Officer devising a comprehensive US-Pakistan Maritime Engagement Plan focused on improving the Pakistan Navy's ability to support US strategic objectives in the Arabian Gulf and South Asia Region.
From April 2015 to October 2016, Winn was Senior Policy Analyst serving as a senior member of the Chief of Naval Research's Strategic Planning and Operations Team. From 2016 to currently, Winn is the Project Manager and Senior Policy Analyst supporting the Office of Naval Research senior leadership.
His education includes a Bachelor's Degree from Rutgers University in Russian Language and Literature, and a Master's Degree from the Naval Postgraduate School in National Security Affairs.
Source: LinkedIn Profile